Getting Started with Z PLM on Amazon Web Services (AWS)

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One of the best ways to test drive or use Z PLM is to use Z PLM on AWS. Fully packaged and configured Z PLM is available as an public AMI (Amazon Machine Image) on AWS.

The rest of the following steps assume that you and/or your organization have an AWS account.

  1. You can launch Z PLM by using the following options
    • Selecting the shared AMI when launching an EC2 instance
    • Selecting from AWS Marketplace (coming soon)
  2. The AMI has all the required components, including Tomcat 8, mySQL (although you might want to consider using mySQL RDS for production scenarios. We will cover how to use mySQL RDS as the production database towards in a separate article)
  3. Once the instance is up and running you should use your private key (from the key pair) and ec2-user to log into the system.
  4. Make sure the Security Group you assigned opens port 8080 or 8443 for external users so that users can log into Z PLM
    1. You should add SSL to tomcat. Instructions for setting up SSL on tomcat are given here.
    2. You can use iptables to reroute all traffic on port 80 to 8080 (or port 443 to 8443 in case of SSL). You can follow the instructions here for accomplish that.



Posted in Getting Started.